Sunday, September 21, 2008

Damien's music

After watching 'Closer' a couple of weeks ago, I told myself that I have to find the title of the song that was playing at the beginning (and at the end) of the movie. But the always forgetful me, I was only able to do it only now. It was entitled 'The Blower's Daughter' by Damien Rice (the same guy who sung Cannonball). After checking out some of his songs in youtube, I became a fan of his music and poetry. I personally liked 'The Blower's Daughter' and '9 Crimes' (Cannonball was already a given) because of the soul and emotions it gives when you listen to these songs. I felt that if I was a musician, my music would most likely resemble his. I have yet to listen to the whole album (oddly named 'O') which I definitely would once I got a copy, and I can't wait to grab one. Hopefully I'll find time to drop by a music store this week...

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