Wednesday, July 23, 2008

cold and rainy day

6:50 AM - My 1st alarm goes off
Hmm… So cold… So dark… Is it really time to wake up?

7:00 AM – My 2nd alarm goes off
… alarms every 10 minutes
Just a few more minutes… Please…
At this point I decided to drop the 10 minutes I have to allot for doing my make up and just use it to get some more sleep.

7:40 AM – Time to get a hot shower
But it’s still so dark outside and it’s raining and it’s the best weather to just stay in bed and sleep...

8:15 AM – Doing my make up
Well, I don’t want to look like I just got out of bed.

8:25 AM – Still raining while I’m on my way to work
Why can’t this type of weather fall on a weekend??? Yawn…

9:20 AM – All set up and ready to work
Yey! The scripts I left ran successfully.
Work work work

11:35 AM – Writing this Blog
The script I triggered is still running and I think will still stay that way for another 3 hrs. Hmmm... What else do I need to do (instead of writing a blog)???

I know, quite uneventful… so far.

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