Remember when we watched a movie and I thought that you wanted to sit with your Mom so I didn't force you to sit with me.I felt so overwhelmed when Ate Lan told me that you wanted to sit beside me so we asked JV to change seats with you. You're so sweet and I hope you'd grow old that way.
I hope you don't break any girl's hearts because I know, with your looks, you'll be capable of doing that.
You and your sister never asked for anything and appreciate every small or big things we give you. Never selfish and always share stuff with others, well with the exception of Kurt... Hehehe... He easily annoys you, probably because he's a bit hard headed.
And speaking of Kurt, I remember the story where you kicked him because he was hurting Pauline unintentionally. Kurt was still very young and didn't know what he's doing, he thought it was still a game. Kicking him was not right but I am glad that your initial response was to save your sister. Although as you grow up, try to avoid violence, it wouldn't do you good. Always take good care of your sister and parents.Protect them as much as you can.
I am writing this 'cause I want a written account of how you were as a child. I don't want to forget. I don't want the people around you to forget. Most of all, I don't want you to forget. I want you to remember that you're capable of being sweet, selfless, strong and loving. This is you, will always be you.
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